Here it is...The NEW PyraLight 3...Thank you Guy Harriman for your life changing creations! Now housed in a silicone cover with three 1/4in output sockets + 5µT magnetic/IR pulsing (Delta 2Hz, Schumann 8Hz, and Gamma 40Hz)! Can’t wait to share these amazing frequencies with you all and help spread this next level mind/body self-healing tool throughout 2020 & beyond. First place we'll be taking them to (along with the PyraLight Glasses for activating the Ajna Chakra) will be at CES in Las Vegas this January (7th-10th) to combine forces with Bioharmonic Technologies and co-create a PyraVibe Experience (PyraLight • Pulsed Infra Red And Magnetic Induction Device + The Vibe • Vibrational Sound Therapy System) inside of the YEX Center: A new all-in-one recreational & recovery space created to expand your mental + physical possibilities!
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